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This Christmas, Give the Gift of Knowledge

This Christmas, give the gift that keeps on giving: the gift of knowledge, the gift of critical thought, the gift of awareness and truth. This Christmas, get a copy of Death by Socialism; it’s sure to inform as much as it’s sure to inspire conversation on Christmas morning. 

Looking to stir the pot just a bit? Looking to break the ice at this year’s family get-together? Death by Socialism promises this and more: it promises to get the conversation going and the blood flowing; it promises to make this a Christmas worth remembering. 

Have a friend or a family member who’s been watching just a bit too much CNN or mainstream media? Know anyone who gets the bulk of her ideas from Joy Behar, Rosie O’Donnell, and Whoopi Goldberg of The View? If they can even stomach the idea of celebrating Christmas this year, get them their own intellectual first aid kits: their very own copies of this one-of-a-kind treatise on the principles of logic that exist in that massive blind spot they’ve never bothered to check in their travels throughout life. 

Have a friend who’s struggling to accept the results of the presidential election? Ease the suffering with the facts and principles eloquently presented in this book; facts and principles that make it just a bit simpler to accept that “Making America Great Again” is more than a slogan and not such a bad idea after all. 

Not a political endorsement but rather a cautionary tale, Death by Socialism takes the reader on a ride through the inevitable trials and tribulations suffered under Leftism, the signs and disguises to look out for, the dangerous subtleties and nuances typical of such civilizations under its affliction, and ultimately what each of us can do about it in order to preserve for ourselves and posterity the blessings of truth and liberty. 

This is truly the gift of a lifetime, the gift that keeps on giving, and essential reading for anybody who loves history, philosophy, and economics; who admires the sacrifices of our forbears; who loves the heritage of these United States; but it is especially important to stuff this book in the stockings of those who don’t. Instead of the lump of coal they probably deserve, cut ‘em a break and give them the benefit of the doubt that they’re literate and willing to entertain an unpopular truth; ask them to otherwise donate the book to somebody else who could read and appreciate it — in the spirit of gift-giving, that is. 

This Christmas, spare your family and friends the new blanket; give them the warmth of wisdom. Spare them that “As Seen on TV” flashlight; show them the light. Spare yourself the trouble of debate; give them the full story. Spare them the Magic 8 Ball; give them the all-important answers to the most important questions before us.

Buy Death by Socialism now at, while supplies last. Operators are standing by. 

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good read! 


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