The weight of big government ultimately becomes so unbearable that even the most battle-hardened warriors come to fear it over death itself. As Pvt. David Kenyon Webster described his time in the U. S. Army during World War II, they are “more afraid of defying the authority of an officer, backed up by the whole Army and a court-martial composed of officers like him, than we are of death by shell fire.” He continued: “Discipline is fear, not leadership, and we are afraid — not of [the officer] but of the irresistible force that he represents. Afraid for our lives, we are more afraid of the system that holds us in thrall, and so we lie here and wait to be killed, because an officer tells us to lie here.” This is the state of the soldier “in thrall” as it is the state of things under the weight of any massive bureaucracy or tyranny of any kind.