In the aftermath of the War between the States, the federal government asserted the notion that “might makes right.” As the Federals mobilized troops throughout the Southern states, during and for many years after the war, they busied themselves with political reconstruction of the Union, flatly disregarding the question of constitutionality. Upon the surrender of the Confederate States, the federal government firmly established their claim, and it has since gone without question. However, one particular judge has issued a dissenting opinion: that is the judge of reason, which implores us to reexamine this claim, and to reassert the truth in the matter of states’ rights. Upon claiming victory in their siege upon the South, and after shredding the very fabric of the Constitution, the Federals celebrated the “preservation of the Union” as they brought the Southern states under their control as “conquered provinces”. From their point of view, the truth was simply irrelevant, or otherwis