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Equal Without Exception: The Egalitarian Nightmare

When any people are finally convinced of their equality, or otherwise made to submit to this fiction, by definition none is exceptional enough to challenge the authorities and overlords who determine the status quo, and with it the proposed purpose of life and human capital. 

In their purported equality, stripped of their identity and individuality as of their property, they are stripped ultimately of every last authority they retained over their governments, themselves and the property they once considered their own. 

In the achievement of this equality, they are swindled into a form of political equality whereby the masses are assumed equal in their submission to the new status quo and the regime which fleeces and commands the masses effortlessly and at will. 

In the achievement of this equality, indeed the only form achievable in the pursuit of equal outcome, they are made to be roughly equal only in misery, destitution and subordination to the regime which commands and rules over them; a destitution which affects a people spiritually and philosophically as well as economically. 

Any objective or ambitions of equality, then, in the form of outcome over opportunity, beyond the form of equality under the law, serves primarily to minimize any resistance leftover from the former traditions, which are, in keeping with the Marxist playbook, so thoroughly maligned and vilified as to leave only the most courageous, competent and fearless of men to defend them, in whose absence they are altogether erased from the collective memory, and eventually the collective conscience, of the public. 

Indeed, in their defeat, any vestige of memory or conscience thereafter remaining of those traditions is squeezed out of existence by peer pressure, the relentless barrage of messaging and political propaganda, and by the discomfort of the lived contradiction: one’s betrayal of his forebears, his traditions, and the calling which presents too much risk, sacrifice and discomfort to justify the toil of even recalling, let alone defending, those precious principles. 

In the course of the new status quo, there arises even a significant opportunity cost in any attempt to defend the customs and principles of times past. 

Any attempt becomes costly not merely in the form of social and political disapproval, but in the form of commercial and professional prospects best served by going along with the status quo. 

In this way, the subjects, once threatened and intimidated, who first abandoned their cherished customs and principles, give way to subsequent generations willfully rejecting their history, denouncing their ancestors, and destroying their memory, as they are enriched with social praise and pecuniary advantages which more than keep the populace from harboring any second thoughts, let alone any guilt. 

It is in this way that a society is reprogrammed and made to suffer the consequences of its own ignorance and selfishness, made to finally appreciate the value of those former values and traditions, for which life and limb were once sacrificed in their own right with hopes that their children and posterity might appreciate the costs attending the defense and survival of their traditions, that they might be spared the agony of ever losing them. 

Such is the plight of liberty in the light of spectacular promises. 

It is only under the darkest of skies, when that light has all but turned to ash, that the value of liberty is once more remembered, but not before it is nearly forgotten and the chances of restoring it all but lost.


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