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The Dollar Funeral Train: The Track to Thralldom

When the dollar finally realizes its destiny, the Socialist States of America will be prepared to ostracize those who planned accordingly. Politicians and their jealous followers will denounce the holders of real assets, namely precious metals, as greedy hoarders of wealth who’ve collectively sabotaged the common currency. 

As of this writing, the US dollar Index (DXY) is roughly 4 percent lower than it was before the Federal Reserve launched QE Infinity, pledging unlimited asset purchases to "keep credit flowing" and "keep the market functioning." For the first time in the history of the Federal Reserve, the central bank will purchase corporate bonds, through purchases of securities in primary and secondary markets and through exchange-traded funds.

According to the Fed, the central bank will "purchase Treasury securities and agency mortgage-backed securities in the amounts needed to support smooth market functioning and effective transmission of monetary policy to broader financial conditions and the economy."

Not to be outdone, a $2 trillion stimulus package is soon expected to make its way to President Trump's desk, where the swipe of a pen will magically credit the Treasury with the funds to presumably stop the economic bleeding. Or so they think. 

In response to the news, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied, posting the fourth best single-day gain in the index's entire 135-year history, outdone by only three days from the epoch of the Great Depression. Two days later, the index has gained nearly 24 percent, capping off its biggest three-day surge since 1931. All of this comes despite a record number of unemployment claims, 3.3 million thus far, and an economy that is broadly grinding to a halt.

Rest assured, every stock-market gain from this point forward is merely symptomatic of unrestrained inflation, and economically-neutral speculation, that will eventually materialize in higher prices in consumer goods. This has been the case since the Great Recession, only it’s more direct and transparent now. 

With job losses rising astronomically, the only positive spin is that they were contained to 3.3 million. Despite all of the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, deteriorating economic prospects, and the unprecedented monetary measures announced by the Federal Reserve, President Trump and members of Congress, the markets are rallying on stimulus and the fear of missing out on what they misinterpret as a buying opportunity. 

We can safely expect the markets to remain irrational and volatile for time to come, and intelligent investors will seize the underbought and oversold assets that investors will invariably rush to buy as the end game becomes imminently clear. Cash will inevitably pass through stocks and bonds, among other financial instruments, before ultimately showing up in real assets and consumer prices.

Only then will the average American encounter the lessons of economics, leaving him only to reflect on what went wrong. Unfortunately, in the face of this adversity, the average American will be less tempted to study economics, more inclined to cast blame and votes in hopes of taking the easy way out. 

With their unwavering loyalty to the dollar and conventional investment vehicles, they will board the train on its farewell tour as the intelligent investors bid adieu. Unbeknownst to the passengers, the fare will cost them everything and then some.

As the dollar continues on its farewell tour, politicians and their constituents will seek out their next targets, whom they'll saddle with the blame before marking them with the scarlet letter. With the benefit of jealousy and desperation, Americans will be ready to accept the most draconian of measures to confiscate wealth in order to prevent the politically-disconnected from threatening the power structure, both politically and monetarily. They will ensure that those holders of real assets either comply with their orders to surrender their wealth or, otherwise, keep quiet about their stash. 

Of course, the vast majority will either wholeheartedly embrace the plan, out of jealousy, ignorance or both, while the remainder of people reluctantly keep silent for fear of exposing their wealth or upsetting the socio-political order; few of the remainder will have much wealth to protect anyway. 

The political elite will exploit the obedience of the average American, his economic ignorance, and his patriotic fervor to preserve the status quo, whether by shifting culpability, fostering social strife, presenting a common enemy, or using smoke and mirrors to misrepresent or distract from the truth: contemporary considerations include such intellectual deceit as the digital dollar, a potential exit strategy for a government and central bank long dead set on nationalizing the economy and maintaining its monopoly over the money supply.

In the depths of despair, and under the sophisticated spell of silver-tongued sophists, the average American will eagerly enlist to combat the enemy, however abstract or whatever the form. The political elite will predictably falsify the record, that of the present condition and that which precedes it, to form a compelling and roughly cohesive narrative. The struggling masses will be glorified as victims, so as to inspire hatred and animosity against those whom the public has rushed to vilify. 

In the veritable war against wealth, nobody will admit of his success; nobody will be allowed to publicly display or enjoy his wealth; and, therefore, nobody will benefit from the transaction of wealth. 

In this space in time of shared adversity, mankind, held inescapably to the labors of the status quo, will casually dismiss that undeniable impulse to shake off the great despotism, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of all Americans; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. 

With their resounding silence, they issue their voice of acquiescence to men who’ve fancied themselves lords in usurping power not remotely conferred to them in the republic’s founding documents, nor in the spirit of its inception or a rich history forged inexorably out of the sovereignty and independence made possible by rugged individuals and families vigilant and ready to dissolve the political bands which compromise the rights of man that make life worth living, among them life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

As we confront the obstacles before us, we must remember that we will invariably subject ourselves to life under the new authority, even in the aftermath of the crises before us. With our ignorance and our haste to legislate our way to nirvana, we will equip the power structure with our acquiescence, and the benefit of precedent, to undertake measures and to perform unspeakable acts only creatively imagined in our history. 

We will embolden that structure to condemn mankind to the greatest evils of which force, coercion and social pressure are uniquely capable. We will, in effect, surrender essential freedom for some temporary safety, irreversibly renouncing our most indispensable citizenship in the state of liberty. 

We will have made the state and its agents a repressive force in our communities, our neighborhoods and our daily lives, ceding everywhere the discretion and personal authority that breathe value and identity into the lives we lead and the families and communities we build. 

We will have conferred to the agents of government, and to posterity, our reluctance to assume responsibility for ourselves and our communities, and we will unforgivably leave them to deal with the consequences of our selfish inaction, our lack of courage and foresight. We will have ultimately bound them to a life limited to imagining what freedom was and whether they would ever enjoy it again.


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