Until 2009, the players of the National Football League (NFL) would remain in their locker rooms until well after the playing of the national anthem. What changed? As it turns out, during the 2009 NFL season, the league began mandating that players stand at attention and face the flag during the playing of the anthem. What's more, in 2012 the Department of Defense (DoD) began shelling out millions of dollars to teams for participating in the on-field ceremonies, rendering the players near equivalents to the gladiators of the Roman Empire. You might remember Russell Crowe shouting , "Are you not entertained?" As teams began participating in the ceremonies, a seemingly-innocuous expansion of the propagandizing presence of the metastasizing political machine, the well-intentioned players and the adorning heritages of their teams tacitly attached themselves to the new, uniquely American form of patriotism, unquestioning patronage to the sacred ...